Complete List of Prefixes

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Complete List of Prefixes :

The commoner prefixes are given below.

Prefix : dis
Meaning : the opposite of & remove
Examples :
1. Dislike
2. Dishonest
3. Disobey
4. Disconnect
5. Discourage

Prefix : e
Meaning : electronic (usually related to internet)
Examples :
1. e-mail
2. e-commerce
3. e-book
4. e-business
5. e-cash
6. e-bomb

Prefix : em & en
Meaning : into & cause to be
Examples :
1. embed
2. enlist
3. empower
4. enlarge
5. enrich

Prefix : equi
Meaning : former
Examples :
1. Equidistant
2. Equivalent
3. Equity

Prefix : ex
Meaning : former
Examples :
1. ex-wife
2. ex-president

Prefix : extra
Meaning : beyond
Examples :
1. Extraordinary
2. Extrasensory

Prefix : fore
Meaning : earlier & placed in front of & front part of
Examples :
1. Foretell
2. Foresee
3. Foreshadow
4. forearm
5. Foreground

Prefix : geo
Meaning : of the earth
Examples :
1. Geography
2. Geology

Prefix : hetero
Meaning : other & different
Examples :
1. heterogeneous

Prefix : homo
Meaning : same & like
Examples :
1. homogeneous

Prefix : hyper
Meaning : above & more than normal
Examples :
1. Hypercritical
2. Hyperactive

Prefix : il & im & in & ir
Meaning : not & against
Examples :
1. Illegal
2. Impatient
3. inactive
4. Irregular

Prefix : inter
Meaning : between & among
Examples :
1. Interchange
2. international
3. intermarriage

Prefix : intra
Meaning : inside & within
Examples :
1. Intravenous
2. intranet
3. intravenous
4. decentralize

Prefix : mal & male
Meaning : bad & badly
Examples :
1. Malformation
2. Maltreat
3. Malevolent

Prefix : mis
Meaning : bad & wrongly
Examples :
1. Misconduct
2. misjudge
3. misspell

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