Adverb Phrases :
The Forms of Adverbs
Some Adverbs have the same form as the corresponding Adjectives.
1. He was
much pleased.
2. He stayed
3. He drove me very
4. He came
5. Stand
near while I speak.
6. He was a
little tired.
7. He came
only once.
8. He has slept
1. There is
much sickness here.
2. He went on a
long journey.
3. He had a very
fast car.
4. He woke up at an
early hour.
5. He is my
near relation.
6. There is a
little hope now.
7. This is my
only son.
8. He has eaten
enough bread.
Adverbs in LY :
Many Adverbs are formed from Adjectives by adding LY (a short form of like) and there is generally an Abstract Noun which can be placed between the Adjective and the Adverb.
Adjective… Abstract Noun… Adverb
1. High… height… highly
2. Poor… poverty… poorly
3. Short… shortness… shortly
4. Wise… wisdom… wisely
For More Adverbs ending in LY, CLICK HERE!
Adverbs can also be formed from Participles.
1. Devotedly
2. Knowingly
Adverbs formed from THE, HE and WHO.
These are sometimes called Pronominal Adverbs.
Demonstrative Pronouns :
THE : there, thither, thence, then and thus
HE : here, hither and hence
Relative Pronouns :
WHO : Where, whither, whence, when and how
Interrogative Pronouns :
WHO : Where, whither, whence, when and how
Many of the above Adverbs can be compounded with Prepositions or other Adverbs.
From THERE, we get therein, thereto, thereat, therefore, there from, there with, there on or thereupon, thereof and thereby.
From HERE, we get herein, hereto, heretofore, herewith, hereof, hereby and hereafter.
From WHERE, we get wherein, whereto, wherefore and whereon.
From HITHER, we get hitherto (=up to this place or time).
From THENCE, we get thenceforth, thenceforward.
From HENCE, we get henceforth, henceforward.
Adverb Phrases :
There are a large number of phrases in English which do the work of Adverbs and are therefore called Adverb Phrases.
(1) A Preposition followed by a Noun :
1. At random (aimlessly)
2. of course (necessarily)
3. at length (finally)
4. in fact (actually)
5. to boot (moreover)
6. of a truth (truly)
(2) A Preposition followed by an Adjective : Some Noun is understood after the Adjective.
1. In general
2. In particular
3. in short
4. at large
5. in vain
6. on high
7. of old
8. after all
9. at first
10. at last
11. at least
12. at all
13. at most
14. at best
15. in future
16. at present
(3) Miscellaneous Phrases :
1. By all means
2. by no means
3. by the by (something said in passing)
4. by the way (the same meaning as by the by)
5. once upon a time
6. inside out
7. upside down
8. to be sure (certainly)
9. head foremost (with the head in front)
10. head downwards
11. topsy-turvy
12. Head over heels (turning over completely in forward motion as in a somersault : This means utterly, completely as in HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE.)
Adverbs sometimes go together in pairs - the one being connected with the other by the Conjunction AND.
1. He is walking up and down and to and fro.
2. He is walking here and there and hither and thither.
3. The mice run in and out and backwards and forwards.
4. He comes here now and then (occasionally).
5. He works off and on (irregularly).
6. You will see him by and by (in a short time.)
To know more about Adverb Phrases, CLICK HERE!
- The Adverb
- Adverbs
- An Adverb
- The Adverb Clause
- The Kinds of Adverbs
- Simple Adverbs
- Interrogative Adverbs
- Relative Adverbs
- Relative Adverb of Quantity
- Demonstrative Adverb of Quantity
- Degrees of Comparison in Adverbs
- Adverbs ending in LY
- LY Words That are not Adverbs
- LY Imposters
- The Forms of Adverbs
- Adverb Phrases
- The Two Uses of Adverbs
- Attributive Use of Adverbs
- Predicative Use of Adverbs
- Adverbial Adjuncts to Verb of Predicate
- The Adverb
- Relative Adverbs
Adverb Phrases :
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