Analogous to

Analogous to :

ANALOGOUS : (adjective)

Analogous to = Analogous with

Meanings :

1. similar or alike in some ways

2. able to be compared with

3. comparable in certain respects

Example Sentences :

1. The motion of particles in an atom is analogous to the way the planets move round the sun.

2. The motion of particles in an atom is analogous with the way the planets move round the sun.

1. The relationship between a ruler and the citizens is analogous to that of father and his children.

2. The relationship between a ruler and the citizens is analogous with that of father and his children.

1. Color in paintin is analogous to timbre in music.

2. Color in paintin is analogous with timbre in music.

1. Constructing a skycrapper is analogous to trying to build a bridge under running-water.

2. Constructing a skycrapper is analogous with trying to build a bridge under running-water.

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