Analysis of English Sentences :
Who are you?
What is that?
Where have you gone?
They brought home her warrior husband dead.
A nod from a Lord is breakfast for a fool.
Who are you?
ANALYSIS : Analysis of English Sentences
You are who.
Subject : you
Predicate : are
Subject complement : who
What is that?
That is what?
Subject : that
Predicate : is
Subject complement : what
Where have you gone?
You have gone where?
Subject : You
Predicate : have gone
Adverb : (modifies the verb HAVE GONE) where
Home they brought her warrior dead.
They brought home her dead warrior.
Subject : they
Predicate : brought
Adverb : (modifies the verb HAVE GONE) home
Object of the verb : her dead warrior
her dead warrior - object of the verb BROUGHT
her - Possessive Pronoun
dead - Past Participle (qualifies warrior)
warrior - Noun - Common - object of BROUGHT
A nod from a lord is breakfast for a fool.
Subject : a nod
Preposition : from lord
Predicate : is
Subject complement : breakfast
Preposition : for a fool
A nod - nod - Common Noun - subject of IS
A – article – indefinite - qualifies NOD
from a lord - Preposition phrase
from - Preposition - governs LORD
a - article - indefinite – qualifies LORD
lord - Common noun - governed by the preposition FROM
from a lord - Preposition phrase
from a lord - adjective
from a lord - adds meaning to the noun NOD
is - verb - Present tense
is - Predicate - having its subject Noun Phrase A NOD FROM A LORD
breakfast - Noun - Common - Complement of IS refers to NOD
for a fool - Preposition phrase
for - Preposition - governs FOOL
fool - common noun - governed by FOR
a - Article - indefinite - qualifies FOOL
for a fool - Preposition phrase - adjective – adds meaning to BREAKFAST
Experience has taught us many lessons.
Subject : Experience – uncountable noun
Predicate : has taught – present perfect
Object : us - indirect
Object : many lessons - direct
Experience - Subject of HAS TAUGHT
has taught - Predicate having - its subject EXPERIENCE
many - adjective qualifies LESSONS
lessons - object of HAS TAUGHT
us - object of HAS TAUGHT
It is easy to be wise after the event.
To be wise is easy after the event.
It – pronoun
To be wise - Infinitive verb phrase
It is easy to be wise after the event.
It - pronoun
Is - Predicate - Present tense verb
easy - adjective - Compliment of IS - gives meaning to IT
to be wise - Infinitive phrase
to be - Infinitive, Noun - stands for IT
wise - adjective gives some meaning to TO BE
after the event - Preposition Phrase
after - Preposition governs EVENT
event - Common noun - governed by AFTER
the - article - definite - qualifies EVENT
the - adverbial - modifies TO BE
Time makes the worst enemies friends.
Subject : time
Predicate : makes
Object : the worst enemies
Attribute : friends
Noun - Verb present
Abstract - Tense
Enemies - noun
Friend - gives meaning to ENEMIES
Worst - adjective
The – article
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