Auxiliary Verb DARE

Auxiliary Verb DARE :

DARE - (verb) - Dare + to + verb
DARE - used
- not usual in progressive forms
- to be brave enough or rude enough
- to do something dangerous, difficult or unpleasant

1. How dare you accuse me of lying?
2. That is as much as I dare tell you.

DARE : try to persuade someone to do something dangerous as a way of proving their bravery – challenge

1. I dared you to jump.

DARE : to be brave enough to face

1. She dared the anger of entire family.

Note : The verb dare (- venture, have courage).

DARE is the form for the third person singular - present-tense

1. She dare not do it.
2. The member dare not contradict the minister.

It may be noted DARE takes the infinitive without TO as an object. For the past tense DARED is employed.

1. He dared me to fight.
2. I dared her to do it.
3. She dares you to do it.
4. I dare you to come near me.


I dare say it will be quite good.

1. I dare not do it.

In this sentence, infinitive without TO is used.

1. I dare to do it.

In this sentence, infinitive with TO is used.

It may be noted, the verb DARE takes two kinds of infinitives.

When NOT is used with DARE, infinitive with TO is used.

When the sentence is affirmative without NOT, infinitive with TO is used.

Auxiliary Verb DARE

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