Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs :

An auxiliary verb is a verb that is used with another verb to show differences such as tense, person and voice. The auxiliary verbs are be, do, and have and all the modals. An auxiliary is a verb that is used to form- the tenses, moods and voices of the verbs.

1. I am reading.
2. I didn't go.
3. They have gone.

The auxiliaries are….

  1. Auxiliary Verb BE
  2. Auxiliary Verb CAN
  3. Auxiliary Verb COULD
  4. Auxiliary Verb MAY
  5. Auxiliary Verb MIGHT
  6. Auxiliary Verb SHALL
  7. Auxiliary Verb SHOULD
  8. Auxiliary Verb WILL
  9. Auxiliary Verb WOULD
  10. Auxiliary Verb MUST
  11. Auxiliary Verb HAVE
  12. Auxiliary Verb OUGHT TO
  13. Auxiliary Verb DO
  14. Auxiliary Verb USED TO
  15. Auxiliary Verb NEED
  16. Auxiliary Verb DARE

These verbs help to make question forms.

They can combine with NOT in the negative.

1. Is not your brother a doctor?
2. Have not you paid the fees?
3. Must not you be there by this time?

They help to make question tags.

1. Isn't it?
2. Can’t you?
3. Aren’t your parents?
4. Wasn’t it?

The auxiliary verb can stand for a whole verbal group in appended statements.

1. He likes to read poetry and so do I.

Modal Verbs are a small group of verbs which are used with other verbs to change their meaning in some ways.

1. Can
2. Could
3. May
4. Might
5. Shall
6. Should
7. Will
8. Would
9. Must
10. Need
11. Ought

They are termed defective verbs. Because, some parts are wanting in them.

Auxiliary Verbs

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