Complex Sentence :
Let us now get back to the different types of sentences.
Look at the following sentences.
1. The grocer sells grains to the people.
2. The grocer stores grains and sells them to the people.
3. The grocer stores grains since he wants to sell them to the people.
In sentence 1, there is only one verb in the sentence - sells.
Such a sentence is called a
simple sentence.
In sentence 2, there are two verbs - stores and sells. Besides, there are two parts to the sentence.
The grocer stores grains. And The grocer sells them to the people.
These two sentences are joined by the conjunction AND.
Such a sentence, in which there is more than one clause which is joined together with a coordinating or a correlative conjunction, is known as a
compound sentence.
In sentence 3, there are two verbs - stores and sells. The second part of the sentence – he
wants to sell them to the people, depends on the first part - the grocer stores grains.
Such a sentence, in which there is more than one clause, one depends on the other for meaning and the clauses are joined together with a subordinating conjunction, is known as a
complex sentence.
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