Difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous :
There are few differences between Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
The present perfect simple is often used to express the idea of completion to say that an action has just been finished or to talk about its results. This tense emphasises the continuation of the activity.
1. I have been reading your book. (I haven't finished it.)
2. I have read your book. (I have finished it.)
1. I have been learning infinitive verbs all this day.
2. I have learnt infinitive verbs. (I know them.)
1. I feel sorry about the mess. I have been painting the house.
2. I have painted two rooms since lunch time.
1. I have not known Renu for long (correct).
2. I have not been knowing Renu for long (not correct).
Present perfect continuous is sometimes used for an action already finished.
1. Why are your clothes so dirty?
2. I have been cooking in the kitchen.
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