Formation of Comparatives and Superlatives

Formation of Comparatives and Superlatives :

In all Adjectives of more than two syllables and in most Adjectives of two syllables, the Comparative is formed by adding the word MORE and the Superlative by adding the word MOST.


1. Beautiful….more beautiful….most beautiful
2. Famous….more famous….most famous
3. Useful….more useful….most useful

But Adjectives of one syllable and some Adjectives of two syllables can also form the Comparative by adding ER or R and the Superlative by adding EST or ST.

If the Positive ends in two consonants or in a single consonant preceded by two vowels ER and EST are added.


1. Dee….deeper….deepest
2. Great….greater….greatest
3. Small….smaller….smallest
4. Thick….thicker….thickest

If the Positive ends in one consonant and the consonant is preceded by a short vowel, the final consonant is doubled when ER and EST are added.


1. Fat….fatter….fattest
2. Hot ….hotter….hottest
3. Thin….thinner….thinnest
4. Wet….wetter….wettest

If the Positive ends in E, only R and ST are added (not ER and EST).


1. Brave….braver….bravest
2. Fine….finer….finest
3. Humble….humbler….humblest
4. Noble….nobler….noblest
5. True….truer….truest

If the Positive ends in Y and the Y is preceded by a consonant, the Y is changed into I when ER and EST are added.


1. Dry….drier….driest
2. Happy….happier….happiest

If the Y is preceded by a vowel, the Y is NOT changed into I.


1. Gay….gayer….gayest
2. Grey….greyer….greyest

Irregular Comparisons

Some Adjectives form their Comparatives and Superlatives in an irregular way.


1. Bad….worse….worst
2. Ill….worse….worst
3. Evil….worse….worst
4. Far (distance)….farther….farthest
5. Fore….former….foremost
6. Fore….former….first
7. Good….better….best
8. Hind ….hinder….hind most
9. Late….later….latest
10. Late…. latter….last
11. Little….Less….least
12. Much (quantity) ….more….most
13. Many (number) ….more….most
14. Nigh….nigher….nighest
15. Nigh….nigher….next
16. Old….older….oldest
17. Old….elder….eldest

There are five words which are Adverbs in the Positive Degree, but Adjectives in the Comparative and Superlative.


1. Fore (movement) ….further….furthest
2. In….inner….innermost
3. In….inner….inmost
4. Out….outer….uttermost
5. Out….utter….utmost
6. Beneath….nether….nethermost
7. Up….upper….uppermost

Latin Comparatives

All of these comparatives end in IOR and not in ER and all are followed by TO instead of THAN.


1. His strength is superior to (greater than) mine.
2. His strength is inferior to (less than) mine.
3. This event was anterior to (earlier than) that.
4. This event was prior to (earlier than) that.
5. This event was posterior to (later than) that.
6. This man is senior to (older than) that.
7. This man is junior to (younger than) that.


  1. The Adjective
  2. An Adjective
  3. Attribute Position of Adjective
  4. Predicative Position of Adjective
  5. Kinds of Adjectives
  6. Proper Adjectives
  7. Descriptive Adjectives
  8. Quantitative Adjectives ( Adjectives of Quantity )
  9. Qualitative Adjectives ( Adjectives of Quality )
  10. Numeral Adjectives ( Adjectives of Number )
  11. Definite Numeral Adjectives
  12. Indefinite Numeral Adjectives
  13. Demonstrative Adjectives ( Demonstrative Adjective )
  14. Definite Demonstrative Adjectives
  15. Definite Demonstratives
  16. Indefinite Demonstrative Adjectives
  17. Indefinite Demonstratives
  18. Distributive Adjectives
  19. Interrogative Adjectives
  20. Exclamatory Adjectives
  21. Possessive Adjectives
  22. Possessive Determiners
  23. First Person Possessive Adjectives
  24. Second Person Possessive Adjectives
  25. Third Person Possessive Adjectives
  26. Emphasizing Adjectives
  27. Coordinate Adjectives
  28. Paired Adjectives
  29. Cumulative Adjectives
  30. Non-Coordinate Adjectives
  31. Two Uses of Adjectives
  32. Attributive Use of Adjectives
  33. Predicative Use of Adjectives
  34. The Degrees of Comparison
  35. Comparison of Adjectives
  36. Latin Comparatives of Adjectives
  37. Irregular Comparisons of Adjectives
  38. Formation of Comparative and Superlative
  39. Uses of Quantitative Adjectives
  40. Uses of Numeral Adjectives
  41. Definite Numeral Quantities
  42. Uses of Demonstrative Adjectives
  43. Uses of Distributive Phrases
  44. Uses of Distributive Adjectives
  45. Example Sentences with suitable Adjectives
  46. Uses of Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
  47. Uses of Positive Degree of Comparison of Adjectives
  48. Uses of Comparative Degree of Comparison of Adjectives
  49. Uses of Superlative Degree of Comparison of Adjectives
  50. Use of The Comparative Degree
  51. OTHER after Positives and Comparatives
  52. Preferables in English Grammar
  53. Double Comparatives
  54. Double Superlatives
  55. Comparatives which have lost their force
  56. Latin Comparatives
  57. English Comparatives
  58. Adjectives used as Nouns
  59. Adjectives in Pairs
  60. Adjectives preceded by THE
  61. Position of Adjectives
  62. Adjectives Used Attributively
  63. Adjectives Used Predicatively
  64. The Adjective Clause

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