Homophones :
Look at the following list of words and say each word out aloud.
1. Days & Daze
2. Dear & Deer
3. Descent & Dissent
4. Dew & Due
5. Die & Dye
6. Earn & Urn
7. Eerie & Eyrie
8. Feat & Feet
9. Leak & Leek
10. Lean & Lien
11. Lessen & Lesson
12. Levee & Levy
13. Liar & Lyre
14. Made & Maid
15. Mail & Male
16. Main & Mane
17. Maize & Maze
18. Mall & Maul
19. Scene & Seen
20. Scull & Skull
21. Sea & See
22. Seam & Seem
23. Sic & Sick
24. Side & Sighed
25. Sign & Sine
26. Soar & Sore
What do you find? Yes, each pair sounds the same. Such words are known as homophones. Homophones are words which have the same pronunciation
as each other but different spellings and meanings.
Make sentences with the following pairs of words.
1. Ail & Ale
2. Air & Heir
3. Aisle & I’ll & Isle
4. All & Awl
5. Allowed & Aloud
6. Alms & Arms
7. Ball & Bawl
8. Band & Banned
9. Bard & Barred
10. Bare & Bear
11. Be & Bee
12. Beach & Beech
13. Bean & Been
14. Beat & Beet
15. Blew & Blue
16. Bloc & Block
17. Board & Bored
18. Bold & Bowled
19. Cereal & Serial
20. Check & Cheque
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