Interrogative Adverbs of Manner

Interrogative Adverbs of Manner :

Adverbs which are used for asking questions are called interrogative adverbs. There are several different kinds of interrogative adverbs.

Interrogative Adverbs of Manner : how

For example :

1. How are you doing?
2. How was the experience?
3. How did you do it?

Sentences with appropriate interrogative adverbs :

1. When do you usually go to the park?
2. How did you arrive at this answer?
3. Why is this place so crowded?
4. How far is the zoo from here?
5. Where can I meet you?
6. Why did you manage this?
7. When does your semester start?
8. What was the experience?
9. Why do you want to go there?
10. How do you operate this computer?

Sentences with appropriate adverbs :

1. Miss Rama sings sweetly.
2. The umbrella was kept there.
3. Uncle Pathak often goes to the market.
4. Ojas ran quickly to kick the ball.
5. When are we going out?
6. Tapas went to the circus yesterday.
7. Mrs Chatterjee rang the bell twice.
8. Kiran will buy some bananas tomorrow.
9. Rekha rarely makes mistakes.
10. The child slept soundly.

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