Masculine Nouns and Feminine Nouns

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Masculine Nouns and Feminine Nouns :

Masculine Nouns….Feminine Nouns

1. actor…. actress
2. bachelor…. spinster
3. boar…. sow
4. boy….girl
5. bridegroom….bride
6. brother….sister
7. bull….cow
8. cock….hen
9. colt…. filly
10. dog…. bitch
11. drake…. duck
12. duke…. duchess
13. father….mother
14. fox….vixen
15. gander….goose
16. gentleman….lady
17. hart….hind
18. heir….heiress
19. hero….heroine
20. horse….mare
21. host….hostess
22. hunter….huntress
23. husband….wife
24. king….queen
25. lad….lass
26. landlord….landlady
27. lion….lioness
28. man….woman
29. master….mistress
30. monk….nun
31. nephew….niece
32. ox….cow
33. priest…. priestess
34. prince…. princess
35. ram…. ewe
36. son…. daughter
37. stag….hind
38. tiger…..tigress
39. uncle…..aunt
40. waiter….waitress
41. widower…..widow
42. wizard….witch

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