Noun clause in apposition to a pronoun

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Noun clause in apposition to a pronoun :

There are three kinds of subordinate clauses.

1. noun clauses
2. adjective clauses
3. adverb clauses

A noun clause does the work of a noun. It can be….

1. Subject of a verb :

What he said was interesting. (Subject of WAS)
That she will arrive today is certain. (Subject of IS)
How she can manage is not clear. (Subject of IS)

2. Object of a verb :

She said that she wouldn’t come. (object of SAID)
I asked why he was late. (object of ASKED)
I know where he lives. (object of KNOW)

3. Object of a preposition :

There is no truth in what he has said. (Object of IN) Everything now depends on who is in control. (Object of ON) She laughed at what I had done. (Object of AT)

4. Complement of a verb :

The truth is that he has deceived us. (Complement of IS)
My belief is that she would not come. (Complement of IS)
The news was that the boy was drowned. (Complement of WAS)

5. in apposition to a noun or pronoun :

The fact that you are lazy is known to everyone (in apposition REPORT)

The report that he was killed is untrue. (In apposition to REPORT)

It isn’t clear who has done this. (In apposition to IT)

IF we look closely at the examples above, we can see that the noun clause can be replaced by a noun or pronoun. When in doubt about how a clause functions, see what you can use in its place.

For example…. we might have, instead of the first six sentences above.

His story was interesting.
Her arrival is certain.
It is not clear. She said something.
I asked a question.
I know his address.

All the words or groups of words used in place of the clauses are noun-like. So, they are noun clauses. In short, if a clause can be replaced by IT or THAT, it is usually a noun clause.

Noun clause in apposition to a pronoun

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