Nouns followed by Prepositions

Nouns followed by Prepositions : C

1. Candidate for election
2. Capacity for mathematics
3. Care for his safety
4. Care of his books
5. Cause for anxiety
6. Cause of trouble
7. Caution against error
8. Certainty about a matter
9. Certificate of good conduct
10. Cessation from work
11. Charge of murder (Noun)
12. Charge with murder (Verb)
13. Claim on or against someone
14. Cloak for vice
15. Comment on something said
16. Commerce with a country
17. Compact with a person
18. Comparison to a person thing
19. Comparison with a person thing
20. Compassion for a person
21. Compensation for a loss
22. Competition with a person
23. Competition for a thing
24. Complaint against a person
25. Complaint about a thing
26. Compliance with a request
27. Complicity in a crime
28. Concession to a demand
29. Concurrence with a person
30. Concurrence in a proposal
31. Condemnation to death
32. Condolence with a person
33. Confidence in a person
34. Conformity with anyone's views
35. Conformity to rule
36. Connection with a person or thing
37. Consciousness of guilt
38. Consideration for a person
39. Consideration of a thing
40. Contact with something
41. Contemporary of some person
42. Contempt for a person or thing
43. Contrast to a person or thing
44. Contrast with a person or thing
45. Contribution to a fund
46. Contribution towards some project
47. Control over a person or thing
48. Controversy with a person
49. Controversy on something
50. Controversy about something
51. Conversation with a person
52. Conviction of guilt
53. Co-partner with a person
54. Co-partner in something
55. Copy from nature
56. Correspondence with a person
57. Correspondence to a thing
58. Craving for anything

Nouns, followed by Prepositions, are arranged in Alphabetical Order.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M

N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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